Key Topics on the minds of military families

Feature your parent center’s information, training and resources on these topics to reach and assist military families:

  • State-specific Information
  • Moving and your child’s IEP
  • Community resources at your new duty station

Highlighting these three key areas using language familiar to military-connected families (“PCSing”) demonstrates your parent center’s knowledge of the issues they face.

Good Resource:

Add your parent center’s logo to this military-family specific handout on moving when your child has a disability: Relocation for Military Families Parent Handout (instant download)

When military parents contact parent centers, they often have questions or issues about the topics below. Parent trainings and workshops on these topics can attract and assist military parents.

  • Dispute Resolution—in general, and also highlighting state-specific timelines and procedural differences.
  • Autism and Autism Services
  • Transitioning from IFSP to IEP
  • IDEA rights and responsibilities
  • Future Planning

For more ideas about topics and issues to help military families as they move to and from your state, check out this month’s article on Relocation for Military Families and add the Parent Handout to your toolkit!